poj1703 Find them, Catch them
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1 #include 
2 #include
3 #include
4 using namespace std; 5 const int maxn = 1e5 + 10; 6 const char str1[] = "Not sure yet."; 7 const char str2[] = "In different gangs."; 8 const char str3[] = "In the same gang."; 9 int fa[maxn], belong[maxn], nex[maxn];10 int n, m, u, v, k;11 char op;12 13 int father(int u){14 //WHAT WOULD CAUSE AN INFINITE LOOP15 if(fa[u] == -1) return u;16 int tem = father(fa[u]);17 belong[u] = belong[tem];18 fa[u] = tem;19 return tem;20 }21 22 void solve(){23 if(op == 'D'){24 if(belong[u] == -1 && belong[v] == -1){25 //this is the simplest case26 belong[u] = k++;27 belong[v] = k++;28 nex[u] = v;29 nex[v] = u;30 return;31 }32 if(belong[u] != -1 && belong[v] == -1){33 //notice that v is never mentioned, but u is already processed34 //since is u is vistied, u got its partner35 int fu = father(u), fu1 = father(nex[u]);36 //draw a line from v to u137 fa[v] = fu1;38 nex[v] = fu;39 belong[v] = belong[fu1];40 return;41 //match a virtue partner for node u42 }43 if(belong[u] == -1 && belong[v] != -1){44 int fv = father(v), fv1 = father(nex[v]);45 fa[u] = fv1;46 nex[u] = fv;47 belong[u] = belong[fv1];48 return;49 }50 if(belong[u] != -1 && belong[v] != -1){51 //notice that both u and v is already visited52 int fu = father(u), fu1 = father(nex[u]);53 int fv = father(v), fv1 = father(nex[v]);54 int bu = belong[fu] >> 1;55 int bv = belong[fv] >> 1;56 if(bu > bv){57 // v is relatively primitive58 fa[fu] = fv1;59 fa[fu1] = fv;60 return;61 }62 if(bu < bv){63 fa[fv] = fu1;64 fa[fv1] = fu;65 return;66 }67 }68 }69 if(op == 'A'){70 int fu = father(u);71 int fv = father(v);72 if(belong[fu] == -1 || belong[fv] == -1) puts(str1);73 else if(belong[fu] == belong[fv]) puts(str3);74 else if(belong[fu] == (1 ^ belong[fv])) puts(str2);75 else puts(str1);76 }77 }78 79 int main(){80 freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);81 int T;82 scanf("%d", &T);83 while(T--){84 scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);85 memset(belong, -1, sizeof belong);86 memset(fa, -1, sizeof fa);87 k = 0;88 for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){89 scanf(" %c%d%d", &op, &u, &v);90 solve();91 }92 }93 }
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